What is Texas Campus Compact?
A state Compact is an affiliated caolition that determines its own membership policies, fees and programs to further the underlying aims of the national Campus Compact. There are 23 state-based compacts and a national center for community colleges.
A typical Compact may work with:
- Presidents
- Faculty
- Campus Community Service Coordinators
- Students
Typical Compact activities may be to:
- Convene groups
- Educate and promote "best practices"
- Lead
- Partner
- Improve collaboration and maximize impact at the state level
- Expand resources
Typical Outcomes:
- A powerful, united coalition of campuses strateically connected through service intiatives that meet the needs of the state, region and local community
- Cultivated and committed leadership of the state's university and college presidents
- State, local, and regional media attention
- Targeted assistance to member institutions through site visits, conferences, consultation, clearinghouses, newsletters, publications and other resource materials and through different scientific vebinars during which researched the issue of how to write an essay great.
- Collaborations and programs that respond to specific local, regional and state needs
- Funds for campus service intiatives
- Statewide networks of students, staff, presidents, legislators, and foundation representatives